Friday, 9 February 2018

4 Crew Inefficiencies To Eliminate On The Job


Ryan Lister, director of operations, Texoma Region, for LandCare, headquartered in San Diego, says indirect crew behaviors can cost you job productivity. Crews may be making certain decisions on a jobsite that are not intended to slow them down, but that wind up doing just that. Sometimes these can be hard to spot unless you go on-site.

If you have a particularly unproductive jobsite, Lister recommends going out and asking the following questions.

1. Are the truck and trailer parked centrally? A centrally parked truck and trailer can shorten the visit time by decreasing trips back and forth to the vehicle during operations.

2. Is the crew visiting the site at the most ideal time to avoid unnecessary interactions? Visits during peak times slows work
and creates dangerous situations.

3. Is the crew size ideal for the size of the property? On occasion, you will see crews routed with large and small properties and you’ll notice some crew members not having anything to do. Routing needs to be adjusted to match site sizes with crew sizes.

4. Does the crew communicate about poor weather conditions? Wet turf can create excessive times on mowing both in machine run time and in cleanup. If it is possible, avoid mowing in poor weather. Make sure your crews understand why this is important.

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